8 de septiembre de 2006

Raúl, Bush y el fratricida prenatal

Como quería reírme un poco después de dos respuestas en este blog que me dejaron mal sabor, me fui a ver The Onion, uno de los periódicos electrónicos más sanamente irreverentes que conozco. Allí encontré un par de notas sensancionales, entre ellas ésta sobre Raúl Castro. Todavía no me recupero del ataque de risa:
Cubans: New Dictator Doing It All Wrong
HAVANA—Citing the lack of rambling six-hour speeches, cessation of random closings of entire industrial sectors, as well as a failure to condemn the U.S. for imperialist warmongering, the Cuban population has turned in an informal vote of no-confidence in acting dictator Raúl Castro. "He shows no understanding of the finer points: surprise raids on opposition newspapers conducted at 3 o'clock in the afternoon instead of 3 o'clock in the morning are not befitting a Castro," said sugar farmer Juan-Miguel Moinelo, who also lamented the total absence of any mass boat-lifts of "undesirables" during the younger Castro's tenure. "He may have the great bloodline, but our new Presidente lacks the firm-yet-arbitrary touch that Cuba has grown to appreciate." Raúl Castro has responded to criticism of his performance by saying that, if the Cuban people think government is so easy, maybe they should try running the country themselves for a change.

Hay otra sobre Bush que no tiene desperdicio:
'History Cannot Judge Me If I End It Soon'
WASHINGTON, DC—Despite, or perhaps because of, rising fuel prices, the unpopularity of the U.S. presence in Iraq, and mounting legal problems surrounding his administration, President Bush informed his Cabinet Monday that he is unworried about his place in history, White House sources said. "I'm telling you, pretty soon some things are going to develop so that I won't have history to worry about any longer," Bush said. "History may be written by the winners, but it doesn't get written at all if all of human language is lost in, say, fire storms, right? So I can still get off the hook." Although troubles faced by his presidency have been relatively recent, sources said they believed Bush's plan had been put into motion long before he had even taken office.

Y hay una muy boba sobre un crimen prenatal que no voy a transcribir, porque la foto de abajo es sensacional La pueden hallar aquí.
Si es cierto eso de que la verdad nos hará libres (Roque Dalton dijo que sería el cinismo, c.f. Taberna), la irreverencia nos hará felices, o de plano nos liquidará; algo es algo.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

La irreverencia es el remedio perfecto en contra de las pomposidades de la astrología y el marxismo.


Rafael Menjivar Ochoa dijo...

Depende del astrólogo. Si es algún Liberace, como Walter Mercado, tiene sentido.
Y depende del marxista. Si son Marx y Engels, son bien chidos. Y Lenin también era chido... en Rusia y en su época. Después se pusieron pomposos.